01342 833 101 john@premiercare.ws


Premier Care Services are moving even further forward with digital technology via our Care Planner system to ensure that our care staff have the most up to date information about our clients to hand directly on their mobile phones. This secure technology enables them to work more efficiently providing benefits to both carers and clients.

Lasting Power of Attorney Guidance

Lasting Power of Attorney Guidance

Premier Care are please to advice that they are now able to assist with completing and registering Last Powers of Attorneys.

For some, you may ask… ‘What is Lasting Power of Attorney?’ To find out more and how we can guide you to ensure that your affairs are managed in the event that you lose mental capacity, then click here to download further guidance.

Click here for more information and to make an enquiry on Getting Lasting Powers of Attorney Guidance TODAY!

Caring for a person with dementia

Caring for a person with dementia

When a person with dementia finds that their mental abilities are declining, they often feel vulnerable and in need of reassurance and support. The people closest to them – including their carers, friends and family – need to do everything they can to help the person to retain their sense of identity and feelings of self-worth.

Making Life Easier for a Person With Parkinson’s Disease

Making Life Easier for a Person With Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s Disease is progressive and symptoms may come on in stages. Difficulties increase as the disease progresses. Learning how to continually adapt not only the home environment, but also daily living processes that take into consideration a gradual decline in health and abilities should be the main focus of caregivers.

Adapting the home environment to not only deal with the challenges that Parkinson’s disease presents, but also to everyday routines easier– such eating, bathing, and dressing helps to lengthen quality of life.