“I am rather elderly & suffer from Osteoporosis
and have found that Premier are a great help. They
make my bed, wash up & prepare a simple breakfast
and generally help around the house. They help me
with the restrictions in my life.”
Joanna C Service User

Contact us to discuss how we can create a bespoke service to meet your needs.
Tel: 01342 833101
Telephone lines are open Mon to Fri
9am - 5pm. For after
hours and weekends
please call 07754 959 660
When a you or your loved one reaches the stage where you/they need a little extra help in the home, one of the biggest worries can be how will that care be paid for.

Local Authority and Government funding information is available from your local Council, Premier Care Management team are more than happy to give help and advice about Government funding.
Financial Arrangements and Fees
We are committed to providing value for money within our comprehensive and caring service.
The fees charged are dependent on the type of care package and needs of the individual service user. Depending on the personal financial situation, a Service User can either pay the fees privately or receive benefits arranged by Social Services.